Friday, July 27, 2012


Nobody likes a tie
So this is going to be a short and sweet post because frankly, this week was mostly tie games and rain outs.
Sad Trombone sound indeed.
First off, only four games were scheduled for this week with Thursday left for us all to consider what we are doing with our lives. There was one predictable victory when Willy Stout's Black clobbered Jack Astor's on Tuesday, two tie games and a rain out. Sorry Jack's, but I think we all realize by now that anyone beating Willy Stout's Black is an upset. PROVE ME WRONG! SOMEONE PLEASE GO OUT AND PROVE ME WRONG!
Frankly, writing about them winning every game is like watching a horse race with only one horse and I'm considering boycotting them until someone beats these guys.
The Cougars tied Goose and Firkin, Willy Stout's White tied with MCM and Georgie Porgies vs Mitts and Balls was rained out after much ado in the pouring rain.
Let's try again next week, ok?

Until then!

Sad Trombone

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