Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Rule Clarification

Good evening Softballers.

There was a comment posted to the blog today that required a response from the league Executive committee so I would like to re-post the comment, followed by the clarification by the Executive.

Read on below...

Posted on July 25 to League Rules:


I would like to know the following please. Why is it that the following 2 rules are being ignored on a regular basis?

#5. Line-ups are to be exchanged TEN MINUTES prior to start of game. Once the line-ups are exchanged, there are no order changes or additions to the batting order. only deletions will be permitted.

It has happened often over the last few weeks, and as a scorekeeper i am not sure what can be done about this?

and also this one;
Using a player that was not originally submitted on your rooster, are now being allowed to play??

thank you,

The following is the response from the Executive:

As the executive, we are well aware of the rules of the game and the league. Thank you for pointing out Rule #5. The enforcement of that rule, to the letter, makes it difficult when line-ups are not even exchanged ten minutes prior to the start of the game. When a team asks for a change to be made, if you do not want to allow it, then the coach has every right to say no.
In regards to new players playing that were not on original rosters, I have been notified and asked by a few coaches to make some roster adjustments as some of their original players either have not come out at all, had schedule conflicts or were injured. Therefore, those changes were asked for and approved.
Going forward, please note that the league rules, like Softball Canada rules, are there to keep the game safe and operating cohesively. There will always come a time where some rules are "bent" (ie...the taping of jewelry) and we need to look at the situation objectively and ask ourselves..."is there an advantage being had?"

Thank you,
Your Executive 

1 comment:

  1. Why do we ask stupid questions? Play the game and get on with it or find another league that will deal with your BS. Which, let me point out, will be none. No time for babies.
