Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Updates Coming Soon

Hello everyone! I have been away in Cuba for the past week and I see that there are a few comments and other items for me to deal with in short order. I hope to sort everything out, update scores, answer emails and get the blog updated by late this evening but sit tight for now.

There is one person who keeps asking about schedule in response, yes, there are a few games that still need to be added to the schedule. Time has been allotted at the end of the season to add on a few extra make up games and Teralyn as assured me that nobody will be left out. As for when we will know that schedule, don't ask because I don't know. You'll have at least a few weeks notice and I'll post the information as soon as I know.

Thanks for being patient and staying interested in the blog. I'll have it updated soon and we can all get back to life as usual.


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