Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Weekly Review: The Black Bullies Keep Winning

"Who drank my Gatoraid?!"

So it was hot last week. Very hot. That didn't stop the warriors of the Pleasantview Softball Legaue from hitting the field and putting down an exciting week of ball. Here is how it went down.

If it wasn't clear before it is certainly obvious now that Willy Stouts Black is the team to beat in Pleasantview this year. As suggested in the previous post, there was a hotly contested game between two undefeated powerhouses last Tuesday. The immovable Willy Stouts Black stood their ground against the seemingly unstoppable Goose and Firkin and...uh...stopped them.
Even though these black-shirted bullies have beaten up on every team in the league, Goose made a game out of it and managed to score a two handfuls of runs. The final was 11-10 for Willy Stouts, who are now the only unbeaten team in the league and have put a big old bulls eye on their backs.
Who will be the team to knock them down a peg or two? The drama continues....

 Wednesday and Thursday night's games were very hotly contested. Not necessarily in terms of scoring, but it was just literally incredibly hot. Goose and Firkin were feeling a little miffed after the previous night's loss at the hands of Willy Stouts Black and they took it out on Mitts and Balls during the early game. Coming off the bench like a schoolyard tough guy with low self esteem, Goose unleashed their fury and picked apart the new kids by a score of 17-6.
The late game on was another challenge met by Willy Stouts Black, doubling up over the dangerous Cougars by a score of 16-8. It's another win that increases their first-place lead to a whopping six points. They remain undefeated, but the standings can be deceiving. They have also played more games than anyone else in the league. Stouts Black have no games scheduled this week and will see their point lead shrink in their absence.
Thursday night was a battle for between four teams that are all very close together, populating the middle of the overall standings. A hungry Georgie Porgies team sweated profusely to make a statement against Willy Stouts White in the early game. Porgies broke a 9-9 tie in the last inning with a walk-off bomb to center field, putting them one point away from usurping Willy Stouts White's hold on first place in Division A. As it stands, these two teams are neck-in-neck, Willy Stouts White is up by one point over Georgie Porgies but has a lower winning percentage.
The Cougars faced off against a surprisingly strong Jack Astor's team during the late game. Everyone in the league understands by now that The Cougars are not to be trifled with and they will only improve as their die-hard record keeping and strategic positioning continues to cut down on percentages. They beat Jack Astor's by as score of 12-9, but everyone in the league will agree that with a much tighter roster, nobody is going to easily pound these Astors without getting a little dirty.

Several exciting middle-of-the-pack games are happening this week, the most notable being two old rivals, MCM Towing and Georgie Porgies, facing off on Thursday. MCM is hungry for points and Georgie Porgies have been inconsistent so far this season.

The more astute of you may be asking, "why aren't there any games schedules for July 3?"

Well there just aren't, so deal with it. There will be updates soon to clarify when some of the rain-out games will be rescheduled and more details regarding the all-star game, which is scheduled for July 22.

If you have ideas for what you would like to see at this year's all star game, send your comments to this blog and they will be passed along to league administration.

Keep on Ballin'.

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