Monday, July 9, 2012

The Weekly Review: ALL STAR FEVER

Artist's rendition of The Pleasantview All-Star Game, 2012.

So, I'll keep the results of last weeks games short and sweet because frankly, there were only four games and they were pretty straight forward. No, that's a lie. The real reason is because (my team) Georgie Porgies lost a tragic game to MCM Towing on Wednesday night and are plummeting in the standings. No, that would be a selfish reason. The REALLY REALLY REAL reason to keep the results of last weeks games short and sweet is because the ALL STAR game is going to take place soon and the Pleasantview Softball League as a whole needs to get a feel for what we want out of this.

The Weekly Results

 There were no games on Tuesday, but Wednesday saw two very close games. Jack Astor's continues to show off their offensive skills by scoring 11 runs against Goose and Firkin but the geese were in flight, dropping a few big bombs on Jack Astors as they soared towards victory. Goose edges out a win, 12-11.
The second game of the night was one I would personally like to forget but I will write about because the notoriously boisterous MCM towers deserve some respect. Not only do they consistently bring out more fans than any other team, they also managed a super exciting comeback win against Georgie Porgies on Tuesday night. Solid work in the outfield and stellar bats earned them the walk-off victory. MCM has a win and when a team of this stature gets momentum, they are hard to stop.

Thursday saw Willy's Black laying the smack down on Mitts and Balls in the early game by a score of 19-7. No offense to the defense of M&B, because their mitts are always well oiled and their ball are always going deep, but putting up 15+ runs is becoming commonplace for Willy's Black. Someone please stop them.
The late game was a much needed win for the Cougars. Beating Willy's White by a score of 8-7 is a big game for both teams who are seeking to break from the middle of the pack and move into league's elite. The Cougars are in a very tough division and their 0.571 win percentage is still only enough for third place in Division 1.

All Star Game

So as it stands, the All-Star Game is going to be a little different from last year. This year's will be bigger, better and will be "keeping it real," so to speak. By that, I mean that it will actually happen this year as opposed to last years game, which did not exist.
Last year failed because nobody was very interested in coming out on an extra week night or bringing food or drinks of fans. What should have been a gloriously Pleasant celebration was a instead a sad, baseball-less day and we can never allow such a travesty to happen again.

This year's game is scheduled to take place on July 22, which is a Sunday afternoon. The plan is for each team to select a total of 3 all stars (at least one female) and we will divide into teams on the day of the game by the most childish most equal system we can come up with. The league administration plans to sell BBQ meats and Pleasantview Punch to raise money for the league, so bring your family and friends out as well. Everyone is free to bring their own food and beverages, just remember that it is illegal to be consuming alcohol in the park and could possible result in the league losing our right to play on the diamond. Let's keep it classy and drink your ... apple juice ... out of plastic cups instead of straight from the ... apple juice... bottle.

That is the plan so far but there is still some time for suggestions as to what you all want to see at this year's ALL STAR celebration. Home run competition? Fastest base-running award? Most-hot dogs eaten trophy? I don't know, but you surely have some good ideas. Even better than sending your ideas would be to send your ideas and also how YOU COULD HELP ORGANIZE THEM to make it happen.

Lets talk about it and figure this out. I will post the exact time of the game later this week so everyone can be there on time and in a good mood.

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